

(2)『上杉侯家士分限簿』、『越後分限帳』、『会津御在城分限帳』、『直江支配長井郡分限 帳』、『寛永分限帳』の翻刻をおこない、さらに慶長3年(1598)以降上杉関連文書目録を作成した。この翻刻・文書目録によって、上杉氏が本拠を越後・ 会津・米沢と移動させるにもかかわらず、現在の自治体が新潟県・福島県・山形県の3県にまたがることから、上杉氏全体をとらえようとすることが不十分で あった研究状況を打ち破る史料的基礎を作り上げることができた。
(4)米沢藩士山吉氏の寛永16年の差出しは米沢2代藩主上杉定勝作成の「古筆案」作成と対応す ること、寛文10年の差出しは竹俣義秀の古案改帳作成に対応すること、元禄4年の差出しは米沢藩編集の「謙信公御書」等の編纂物に対応すること、さらに、 元禄9年の差出しも米沢藩の「謙信公御書」等の編纂物に対応することを明らかにした。
(5)軍学者山鹿素行は幕府の絵師狩野永真安信に武者の装束・武器についての相談に応じていたこ と、また、軍学者有沢永貞は絵師を使って絵図を写させていたこと、柳ヶ瀬・姉川・関ヶ原・長久手の四戦屏風を製作していたことを明らかにした。本研究によ り、軍学者は合戦図・武者絵の製作に直接関わっていたことを明らかにし、今後の軍学者と戦国期の合戦図・武者絵研究についての文献史的基礎を築いた。
As a result of studies, we obtained the following as new knowledge.
(1) We made and published a list of descriptions in diaries about the Uesugies. Though we had told those in Kyoto like the Hachijo-Uesugies from those in Echigo, we made bases of materials to break such studies.
(2) We reprinting "The book of bungen about the Uesugies' retainers", "The book of bungen in Echigo", "The book of bungen in Aizu castle", "The book of bungen in Nagai country controlled by the Naoes", and "The book of bungen in Kannei Era". Moreover we made a list of documents about the Uesugies after Keicho 3. They moved from Echigo to Aizu, and later to Yonezawa. Now these places are Niigata, Fukushima, Yamagata Prefectures. It was why studies about the whole Uesugies had not done enough. However, we made bases of materials by our works.
(3) "The book of bungen about the Uesugies' retainers" is the book copied "The list of the number of jono", which is revived on October, Keicho 2.
(4) Sashidashi by the Yamayoshies, retainers of Yonezawa-Han, in Kannei 16 corresponds to Kohituan made by Sadakatsu Uesugi, the second master of Yonezawa-Han. Sashidashi in kanmon 10 corresponds to the revised book of Koan by Yoshihide Takemata. Sashidashi in Genroku 4 and 9 corresponds to Gosyo of Kenshin Uesugi made by Yonezawa-Han.
(5) Sokou Yamaga was consulted by Eishin and Yasunobu Kanou, painters of the shogunate. Eitei Arisawa made painters copy paintings. He made four portable folding screens about battles of Yanagase, Anekawa, Sekigahara, Nagakute. Scholars of forces like Sokou and Eitei concerned with making paintings of battles and worriors. And we made philological bases about their studies.

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